Tag Archives: supplements

integrative medicine new jersey

Undeniable worldwide problem: Low vitamin D levels increase the risk of disease and premature death

The evidence is overwhelming, yet rarely addressed properly by Western medicine. Researchers have warned (for years!) that low vitamin D levels dramatically increase your risk of premature death from any cause – especially if your blood levels are lower than 30 mg/nl. For example, a 13-year prospective study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical…

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October 31, 2019
parkinsons disease

Matching Genes and Vitamins

A Personalized Plan May Be in Your Future You may be one of the many people who take vitamin and mineral supplements as a kind of insurance plan, to make sure your body’s getting enough of all the nutrients you need. New research suggests that doctors may one day be able to design a personalized…

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May 21, 2016

Cold Season Allergies

As the cooler weather blows in, it is not uncommon to throw open the windows to air out the home, while simultaneously enjoying crisp cool nights. Unfortunately, for many, coexisting with nature and the fresh air only spawns misery in the form of sneezing, congestion, itchy and watery eyes. Just like spring all over again.…

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December 8, 2015
nutritionist west orange nj

Vitamin C May Prevent Spatial Memory Impairment Due to Sleep Deprivation

Experimental models suggest that vitamin C supplementation can ameliorate spatial memory impairment induced by chronic sleep deprivation, a new study published in April 2015 reports. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that an estimated 50 to 70 million U.S. adults have sleep or wakefulness disorders. Sleep insufficiency is linked to motor vehicle…

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June 30, 2015
supplement fraud

What’s in Those Supplements?

Integrative Medicine of New Jersey is committed to provide the most complete line of science-based nutritional supplements. Available through health professionals, finished products are pure, sophisticated and hypo-allergenic to optimize the long-term health of the most sensitive patients. The New York State attorney general’s office accused four national retailers on Monday of selling dietary supplements…

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February 5, 2015

Thiamine and Lipid Levels

Thiamine Supplementation Improved Lipid Levels A study published in January 2014 reports that thiamine supplementation improves lipid levels and markers of kidney function in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Currently, 8.3 percent of Americans have diabetes. Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, accounting for 44 percent of new cases. Additionally, adult diabetics have…

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October 24, 2014

Fit Food Vegan Dietary Supplement

Fit Food Vegan Dietary Supplement Are you looking for a healthy non-GMO protein powder? FIT Food Vegan Complete is a delicious functional food powder that is free of soy, dairy, and gluten. It may be used as a snack, a “rescue” food, or as an occasional meal replacement. Call Integrative Medicine of New Jersey at…

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September 16, 2014

Gluten Sensitivity and Nutritional Loss: Are YOU getting the Nutrients YOU need?

Have You Had Your Nutritional Levels Checked? For people with gluten sensitivity, one of the biggest delays in healing has to do with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Gluten sensitivity is a nutritional issue. Many doctors check their patients for iron deficiency, but fail to check other essential nutrients like vitamin C, calcium, magnesium,…

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September 16, 2014
integrative medicine new jersey

More Than Just a Protein Shake

Integrative Medicine of New Jersey offers Integra-X, a proprietary, research-based functional food formulated to nutritionally support individuals with insulin/glucose dysregulation and related health issues. Additional clinical applications: • Help Reduce Glycemic Impact of Meals • Support Healthy Body Composition • Support Healthy Blood Lipid Metabolism • Provide Antioxidant Support • Support the Maintenance of Healthy…

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August 13, 2014