9 Most Effective Exercises for Women to Reduce Stress You feel devastated and the only thing that can soothe you is some delicious ice-cream? This is the way to deepen your stress. Your body will suffer even more, because it is a significant blow to your health. Instead, go to the gym, cope with the…
Stay away from store bought salad dressings and, for the most part, the “all natural” versions as well. Here are some of the reasons why: 1. Pick up any salad dressing bottle and you’ll likely see canola oil, soybean oil, and/or vegetable oil as the main ingredients. These oils are heavily processed, rich in inflammation-promoting…
Iodine: Are You Deficient in this Important Nutrient? Iodine’s role in so many areas of health makes its widespread deficiency particularly concerning. Iodine deficiency has been linked to many of the following health concerns: • Iodine deficiency is the most common cause of hypothyroidism and simple goiter. The thyroid gland absorbs iodine from the blood…
Over Age 40 Not Too Late to Begin Endurance Training (HealthDay News) — Men who begin endurance exercise after age 40 may get similar long-term heart benefits as those who start training before age 30, new research finds. Men in both exercise groups showed similar evidence of exercise-related improvements in heart structure and function, according…
For most people, taking aspirin to prevent heart attacks is not a good idea Lately, aspirin has enjoyed a renaissance, with millions of older Americans taking small doses of the drug daily to lower this risk of heart attacks and strokes. But in a new statement, the FDA is warning that anyone who doesn’t already…