Tag Archives: testosterone

integrative medicine new jersey

Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone

If TV commercials and magazine ads are to be believed, testosterone levels in American men are plummeting to rock bottom faster than an anvil dropped from a cliff in a Road Runner cartoon. Based on the hype, it would be easy to be fooled into thinking “low T” affects every man, everywhere, and that the…

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August 18, 2016
cell phone radiation

New study: Sperm quality damaged by cell phones

A groundbreaking study carried out in Haifa suggests that regularly talking on a cell phone for more than an hour a day, and talking on the phone when it is connected to a charger, double the likelihood of a decrease in sperm concentration, from 33.3 percent to 66.7%. The study also indicates that sperm concentration…

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March 26, 2016

Men’s Health: Supplement Guide for Men

Men’s Health: Supplement Guide for Men As you get older, your men’s health concerns are likely to change. Could a beer gut lead to health problems? Is male menopause a myth or a true men’s health issue? Could testosterone therapy help you feel young again? Get answers to these and other men’s health questions by…

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June 27, 2014

The Father’s Day Gift that Keeps on Giving

The Father’s Day Gift that Keeps on Giving Provided courtesy of our content partners, Labrix Clinical Services, LLC June is the month when we celebrate our fathers and grandfathers, but did you know that it is also Men’s Health Month? The purpose of Men’s Health Month is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems…

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June 10, 2014

How Hormone Imbalance Impacts Weight Gain

How Hormone Imbalance Impacts Weight Gain Brought to you in partnership with Labrix Clinical Services Belly fat is a big problem for many people. Love handles aren’t just unattractive; they can be a key indicator of a hormonal imbalance. Abdominal obesity is a health hazard and is worse than carrying weight on the hips or…

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June 9, 2014