Men’s Health

integrative medicine new jersey

Men’s Health

As men approach mid-life, obstacles related to maintaining youthful vigor and strength may appear as subtle changes in body composition, energy levels, libido, memory, and stress tolerance. These changes are strongly influenced by the balance of hormones in the body, which also affect heart, bone, and prostate health. Lifestyle habits can also influence oxidative stress associated with aging and other effects, as well as contribute to reduced testosterone levels.

• As many as 1 in 2 men in the U.S. will likely have concerns related to prostate health by age 60.
• 1 in 3 American men over age 20 have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher.
• Almost 4 out of 10 men in the U.S. aged 45+ may have testosterone levels below 300 ng/dL.

The Effects of Declining Testosterone

As a man’s ability to produce testosterone declines with age, the production of a protein that tightly binds testosterone increases as well. This results in reduced levels of bioavailable “free” testosterone for use by the muscles, bones, and heart, and has also been implicated in mood swings and cognitive changes. Men may also develop increased levels of estrogen and/or a reduced ratio of protective testosterone metabolites to undesirable estrogen metabolites. A healthy balance of these metabolites contributes to colon health, prostate health, blood lipid metabolism, and overall cardiovascular health.

Targeted Nutritional Support for Men’s Health

Dr. Sherman recommends science-based, professional formulas and protocols to help men stay at the top of their game for a lifetime of healthy, vibrant living. Including powerful support for healthy testosterone balance, formulas to support prostate and urinary health, as well as libido and healthy sexual function.

Nutritional Support for Metabolic Detoxification

Dr. Sherman recommends a professional and customized line of science-based formulas to nutritionally support the natural pathways of metabolic detoxification to promote overall health and address existing issues.

Men’s Health: Supplement Guide for Men

As you get older, your men’s health concerns are likely to change. Could a beer gut lead to health problems? Is male menopause a myth or a true men’s health issue? Could testosterone therapy help you feel young again?
Click here to get started!

“Chance favors the prepared mind.” ~Louis Pasteur